Do you know who you are talking to?

Have you read the Art of War by Sun Tzu?

It is a book that, while written about military strategy, it has become a handbook for business, sports, all competitive venues and should be used in everyday interaction with people.
Too many times we enter a conversation, meeting, negotiations, or, one on one debates without knowing who we are interacting with, what they stand for, what they believe and who they are in general or in business.
Below I have listed just 10 of the advices for Leadership. I also encourage you to read this book if you have not all ready done so and if you have, to reread it to remind you have what it takes to be a Leader and remind yourself what it takes to own your own power.

  1. A leader leads by example, not by force.
  2. You have to believe in yourself.
  3. Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.
  4. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
  5. Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.
  6. If the mind is willing, the flesh could go on and on without many things.
  7. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
  8. To know your enemy you must become your enemy.
  9. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
  10. Can you imagine what I would do if I did all I can?

This list is from a list of 31 Best pieces of Leadership Advice as written by Eric Jackson in

Ten Cannots

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the little men by tearing down the big men.
You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot further brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men’s initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
Rev. William J. Boetcker

Winners Vs Losers

The Winner is always part of the answer.

The Loser is always part of the problem.

The Winner always has a program.

The Loser always has an excuse.

The Winner says, “Let me do it for you.”

The Loser says, “That’s not my job.”

The Winner sees an answer for every problem.

The Loser sees a problem for every answer.

The Winner says, “It may be difficult, but it is possible.

“The Loser says, “It may be possible but it’s too difficult.”


(Author unknown)

A Pledge to Myself

Today I pledge to be

The best possible me I know that I can become better

Today I pledge to build

On the work of yesterday Which will lead me No matter how good I am Into the rewards of tomorrow

Today I pledge to feed

My mind new Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding

Today I pledge to reach

For new Goals New Challenges and New Horizons

Today I pledge to listen

To the beat of my own drummer Who leads me onward In search of dreams

Today I pledge to Believe in Me!!

Are you wasting time re-inventing the wheel?

We have so many successful leaders who have gone before us and found tried and true ways and measurements for obtaining success.

Most of their findings can be put to use in almost everything we need to do to be our own guru of success.
Why re-invent the wheel, so to speak, find new ways of being successful while using the proven tools that are already at your disposal.

Napoleon Hill’s 10 Rules For Success

  1. Set your head and heart on a DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSEand begin working on it NOW.
  2. Adopt and follow the habit of GOING THE EXTRA MILE. Make Customer/Client Service your priority.
  3. Always keep your MENTAL ATTITUDE positive and free from the spirit of defeatism.
  4. Apply the GOLDEN RULE in all your human relationships, no matter what others may do.
  5. Learn all that others have discovered in connection with your occupation, job or business and profit by their experience, thus saving yourself both grief and loss of time.
  6. Be prudent with your diet, exercise regularly, and avoid dependence on drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
  7. Keep your dominating thoughts upon the things you desire and demand of life, and do not think about the things you do not want.
  8. Learn to transmute your sex emotion into the attainment of your DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE, at will, remembering that this is a creative force of unknown, unlimited possibilities.
  9. If you work for another person, do your work THEIR WAY, not yours, and do it in a gracious, pleasing manner.
  10. Instead of criticizing others (no matter how much they may deserve it) devote your time to the discovery of traits of your own which should be correct lest they provide the basis of just criticism against you.

*Excerpted from The Science of Personal Achievement and Think & Grow Rich Newsletter.*

Are You Still Reaching For Success?

I have been a huge fan of Napoleon Hill for over 40 years. I was gifted with his book “Think and Grow Rich” in 1974 by a highly successful friend who swore this book was the reason for all he had obtained. It was one of the first self-help books I would read that teaches “If we change our thinking We can change our life.”

Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” remains one of the best selling books of all time and is one of many must-read favorites for success.

Below I have listed Napoleon’s 17 Principles of Success from “The Science of Personal Achievement.”

Napoleon Hill’s 17 Principles of Success

  1. Develop a Positive Mental Attitude
  2. Define Your Major Purpose
  3. Go the Extra Mile
  4. Think more Accurately
  5. Master Self-Discipline
  6. Use the Master Mind Principle
  7. Employ Applied Faith
  8. Develop a Pleasing Personality
  9. Discover Personal Initiative
  10. Acquire Enthusiasm
  11. Control Your Attention
  12. Build On Teamwork
  13. Learn From Defeat
  14. Cultivate Creative Vision
  15. Budget Your Time and Money
  16. Maintain Sound Physical and Mental Health
  17. Develop Good Habits

I highly suggest adding this book to your must read library. To this day, it changes lives. Everyone in every walk of life can benefit from Napoleon’s expertise and teachings.

Next week I will give Napoleon Hill’s 10 Rules of Success. **This list is from the Napoleon Hill Foundation *** Think and Grow Rich Newsletter.**

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