This is a question I have gotten in the habit of asking myself from time to time. When things appear to no longer fit with the direction I want to go but I keep trying to make it work.
So, I ask you …. ** Are you shrinking yourself to fit places you’ve outgrown. **

Way too often we stay too long in situations, relationships or jobs/careers that are not serving our higher purpose or happiness….
I am a huge proponent of the meaning of the words in Kenny Rodger’s song from the movie The Gambler…. “Know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em.”
Letting go of negative people or events that are causing us to be unhappy, depressed or causes constant sadness in our lives is very seldom, an easy thing to do. However, living a life that is lower than your Vibrational needs of being happy does not bring you the blessings that are meant for you to have

Below are six important affirmations to learn and use daily are:
I Am ___________(fill in the blank with a positive description) Remember that everything you say after saying I Am is an affirmation whether you say a positive or negative. Begin by saying the six mantras below;

I Am Enough,

I Am a Blessing to those whose lives I touch,

I Am intelligent, talented and resourceful,

I am beautiful/handsome and appreciate the beauty and handsomeness of others,

I am all that I need to be I love who I am.
I let go of all that does not serve me in positive ways….

This may take time to let go of the big things that are keeping you from living the life you want, therefore practice letting go in small steps.

I am open to receive all that is good for me…. Too many times we are so busy doing for others that we end up being only givers, never allowing ourselves to accept the receiving. Living a balanced life means allowing yourself to receive as well as give. To believe that You are Enough!

I trust my Instincts and trust the guidance I am intuitively given…We have been gifted with a protective inner guide. Learn how to listen to it and use it for your protection, successes, and guidance for living your life to the fullest.

I am always in a state of Gratitude…. When you practice being grateful for people, events and things that come into your life it allows you to view life in a higher state of awareness and happiness. When an event or person comes into your life ask yourself “Will this association be for my Good.”

I have learned that No is a complete sentence and that it is ok to say No…… It took me years to learn this premise of saying no to others who were requesting my time on projects they had no time to do or did not want to do and to be ok with it. Our life minutes are precious…. We must use them wisely.

Have a Magical week.

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